Trading Competition FAQ
If you can't find an answer to your question below, please ask it on our Twitter or in our Telegram Chat.
Can I join the competition in the middle of it?
Yes, you can join the competition at any time before it ends.
How many accounts can I create for the competition?
You can create as many accounts as you want. There are no restrictions on that.
What happens to open positions on non-election markets at the time the competition ends?
Open positions on non-election markets at the end of the competition will not be closed. Instead, the settled PnL from these positions will be included in the leaderboard at the time of the snapshot. The settlement of an open position, which results in transferring funds between both sides of the trade according to their PnL, can be done at any time by either side using the M2M (Mark to Market) function.
It is the responsibility of the player to settle a profitable open position using M2M before the end of the competition (snapshot) to ensure that the temporary profit from the open position is included in their PnL, which determines their position on the leaderboard and prize amount
Can I win prizes from both rankings?
Yes, you can be simultaneously in prize-winning positions on both leaderboards.
What is the source of data for the election market oracles?
The data for the election market oracles is sourced from reliable and verified sources and is aggregated among multiple oracle providers.
How is fairness ensured in the competition?
To maintain security and ensure fair play, the following rules have been implemented:
A minimum requirement of holding at least 1 BigSB.
Transfer restrictions between addresses.
Ongoing monitoring.
The use of multiple accounts to generate profits from trades executed between them to effectively transfer funds is prohibited. Such accounts, held by one or more parties, will be banned from the ranking.
BigShortBets reserves the right to disqualify addresses that violate fair play rules from the prize competition.
I'm encountering an error when switching networks and can't connect to the market. How can I fix this?
You can try to use a semi-automatic solution to change your network via this link: Chainlist.
Ensure that you are seeing:
BigShortBets Testnet
ChainID: 2136
Currency: Dolarz
Then click "Add to Metamask," confirm, and select "Change Network" in Metamask.
Alternatively, you can add the network manually to your wallet using the following data:
Display name:
BigShortBets Testnet
Chain ID:
Network URL:
Currency symbol:
You can also try clearing activity and nonce data in MetaMask. Go to Settings > Advanced and select "Clear activity and nonce data" — this can help resolve certain connection issues.
Last updated
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