BigSB Token
Deflationary Token with Staking Rewards
Token Contract: 0x131157c6760f78f7dDF877C0019Eba175BA4b6F6
BigSB Token Transaction Fees
Each transaction with $BigSB incurs a 1.5% fee, allocated as follows:
0.5% Burned: This portion is automatically burned, thereby decreasing the total supply of $BigSB tokens in circulation.
1% Distributed to Holders: Utilizing RFI-like technology, this portion is proportionally distributed among all $BigSB holders. This means that for every transaction involving $BigSB on the blockchain, holders are rewarded automatically for holding the token.
Token Utility
On our future real-money market, the platform will earn revenue through trading fees. These fees will be used to purchase BigSB tokens, which will then be periodically burned, decreasing the total supply and benefiting all holders.
Leadership & Strategy
The $BigSB token operates under a leadership model guided by the expertise of its founder, successful trader with 25+ years of experience. Entrusted by the DAO, the founder/CEO holds authority over the token and its pools to employ innovative strategies, all aimed at ensuring the token's success.
Top250 BigSB Government
The top 250 wallets with the largest BigSB holdings are included in a dedicated Telegram group. Membership is based on periodic snapshots of on-chain data, with updates announced irregularly. Access to the group can be obtained through the website
BigSB Token Resources
If the BigSB token is not visible in your wallet and you prefer not to rely on automatic detection, you can add the token manually using the following details:
Token Contract Address:
Token Symbol:
Decimals of Precision:
Last updated